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Using a personal and highly original language, Fiorella Pierobon tells the story of the pilgrims and knights travelling along the Via Francigena.

A never trivial story, which unfolds between learned quotations, contemporary suggestions and lots and lots of colour: colour applied to the surface without the aid of a brush, directly with the hands, with a gesture that has something of the arcane, of ritual; a story that moves on the plane of abstraction, neglecting the easier figurative approach to seek far more complex expressive solutions. Every single work in "Percorsi di luce" constitutes a tessera, a part of the whole, a narrative element indispensable for following the thread of the discourse. Pierobon proceeds by quotation, allowing the whole to be perceived through the detail, starting from the detail (a magnified detail, observed behind a powerful magnifying glass) to arrive at the multiplicity of the whole.

The visual sensations are added to the tactile ones, stimulated by the surfaces of intense, almost overwhelming colours and by the impetuous materiality: two characteristics that impose as never before the "live" vision of the works, certainly penalised by the two-dimensional reproduction, even if of excellent quality.

Il ciel sempre quieto

Seen from life, Fiorella's paintings seem, in fact, to seek physical contact with the viewer, who is induced to touch them, to fully grasp the body of that colour, applied to the canvas by hand and which preserves all the humanity and warmth of those hands.


It is an investigation that opens up from the particular to the universal, that starts from the detail to get to the whole; it is, first of all, an extraordinary adventure that, after having involved the artist, enraptures also the visitors of the exhibition, suggesting them various and very topical topics of debate, ranging from the idea of travel as an inner quest to the hope of a possible peaceful coexistence of different cultures and beliefs, from the common root of the Mediterranean civilizations to the long history that binds the European peoples...


Simona Bartolena

critic and art historian

founder of Heart Pulsazioni Culturali

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